Site visit to exciting in-progress walkway decking refurbishment project

On one of the hottest days so far in 2020, the AliDeck team were on the road to pay a site visit to an in-progress walkway decking project. Having visited the site previously to understand and resolve some potential design issues, we were excited to see how the project had developed and to see our decking in place.

AliDeck Non-Combustible Aluminium Walkway Decking Project on Major Refurbishment Project

As part of a major refurbishment project to convert a commercial building to residential use, this town-centre development will create a large number of desirable apartments. The four-storey building itself is a grand old affair, with a central atrium courtyard lined on all four sides by wide walkways for access to the residential units. Positively-drained AliDeck aluminium decking is specified for all walkway areas.

The project has come on in leaps and bounds since our last visit, with many of the residential units looking near completion. The external elements are similarly progressed and the walkway aluminium decking has been fitted and finished to most parts of the walkway, with only a few areas requiring some finishing touches.

It’s always a real buzz to see our products in-situ but we’re looking forward to visiting again in a few weeks when the walkway is entirely finished, with glazing fitted to the balustrades. It’s going to look really fantastic!

If you have a walkway project you’d like to discuss, call the AliDeck team on 01622 235 672 or email