Latest batch of freshly manufactured AliDeck aluminium decking, soffit cladding, and balustrade balcony component kits despatched to steel fabricator

Our production processes are really hotting up now at our new 65,000 square foot headquarters in Rochester, Kent. Since moving in to our new home at the end of last year we have worked really hard to set up our manufacturing and it’s starting to pay off handsomely.

AliDeck new headquarters and production facility at Rochester, Kent

One of the most satisfying outcomes is that we are now able to easily manufacture bespoke balcony component kits, consisting of aluminium decking, soffit cladding, and balustrades. This is an absolute boon for our customers and we are very pleased to now be working with many fabricators to help them capitalise on the new efficiencies we can offer them.

Indeed, we are already shipping new bespoke kits, with a fresh batch leaving us this morning. Packaged individually, these balcony kits are essentially an off-the-shelf solution for fabricators; they simply affix the decking, cladding and balustrade components to their fabricated steelwork and the balconies are ready to be installed to the building! It saves a huge amount of time, labour and, most importantly, money and helps to ensure the success of our customers’ projects.

If you would like to find out more about our balcony component kits, please call us on 01622 235 672 or email